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Effective Team Communication in 4 Easy Steps

Leaders often assume they are effective communicators only to discover that they are clear as mud. It is important to make sure when you communicate with your team that you are straightforward, they understand you and your tone, and take away action steps from your conversations - whether these are emails, phone calls, video calls, or in-person conversations. Here are several tips to help make sure you are an effective communicator.

  1. Our first communication tip is BE CLEAR by stating your goal from the beginning. This will help drive the conversation in the right direction from the start. Begin the meeting explaining what needs to be accomplished. State your goal in the subject line of your email. Start your message with a goal in mind. Use as few words as possible, especially when sending emails, so that you don’t lose your team in wordiness.

  2. Our second communication tip is to ASK QUESTIONS. Rephrase what you heard in the form of a question to ensure you are on the same page. Clarify your co-worker understands the next steps by asking leading questions. Don't hesitate to probe with good questions. It will help everyone work more cohesively. Being an effective communicator also means you understand how your team is communicating with you and each other.

  3. Our third communication tip is to practice ACTIVE LISTENING. You can do this even over video. Keep your eyes on the screen and distractions at a minimum. Focus on the faces you see and watch for their reactions. Stay engaged, nod your head, and send chat messages to encourage others. Your team will thank you! It’s true that listening is the key to effective communication. When you stay engaged and really hear what your team is saying it’s a lot easier to understand their needs and what is necessary to accomplish their goals.

  4. Our fourth communication tip is to PRACTICE EMPATHY. Sharing your perspective is important but first, take a moment to think of how others will react to your thoughts. Determine to communicate your ideas in a way that will be embraced by others. Maybe it’s not the right time to share your next bright idea. Let it percolate, make sure your team is ready to hear it and take actionable next steps.

Above all else, think before you speak, and use a filter. Everything that pops into our head is often not necessary to speak or write. Think about the words you choose, the tone you use in your voice and in an email. Whether you are on video or in-person be aware of your body language as it often speaks louder than your words. 

You can practice effective communication by keeping these tips in mind. Post them prominently in your workspace and refer to them often. Your team will thank you!