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Practice Gratitude and Make Thank You Mean More

It never stops being important to express gratitude to those around us. This time of year it is so easy to get wrapped up in the busyness of the season. Here are some tips to help you express gratitude during this Christmas season.

Write a heartfelt, handwritten note of gratitude

Everyone likes getting mail in the mailbox. That is not junk! Take time to write someone a note of thanks. Be specific and personal. Tell them why you are grateful for them. Be sincere, be genuine, and express your thankfulness.

Lighten someone’s workload

Busyness seems to be all around us during the holidays. Show someone your appreciation for them by taking something off their plate. If you can tackle a project for someone make sure to tell them it’s because you want to give them the gift of time, and not because you think they can’t handle it. 

Thank them with a gift

Giving a gift that is personal can go a long way in expressing gratitude. A favorite coffee, their favorite candy, or tickets to an event you know they’d love. Make the gift special and its impact will be large. 

Hand make a gift of thanks

You don’t have to shop in stores for the gifts you give. Maybe you are an excellent baker, cook, or perhaps you love to create things such as crafts or woodworking. Cook a meal or bake some cookies or a pie to express your appreciation. 

Expressing your gratitude should not be done just during this season. Commit to making it a practice all year long. As we close out 2019 and begin planning for 2020, plan on choosing one person from work or in your life and express your gratitude each month of 2020. 

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