We Recruit Well

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Reflections on this Season of Life

March was quite the month, and April is proving to be even more alarming. Our world has been thrown into the unknown. Our lives and businesses have drastically changed. Most of us are navigating a new, hopefully temporary, normal; homeschooling kids, working from home, or even having to close a brick and mortar business. 

We Recruit Well is a 100% remote business, however, we rely on your business in order to do our business. We understand your struggle, and we are praying our country can quickly recover from this crisis and get back to building a better future.

Every morning over the past few weeks our heart has been dwelling on Psalms 46:10, “Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” Right now God has our undivided attention. Does He have yours? 

We struggle with worry and the unknown, and right now it’s a daily struggle to trust that God has this. Instead of worry, we’ve been turning to the pages of our Bible and prayer. We’ve been reminded about all the good things in life, even the ones we are currently “stuck at home with”. 

How are you surviving in this season? What are you clinging to? What are you planning to change? Take advantage of this quiet season and reflect on what is most important to you and those you love.

We will continue to pray for our world and for each of you whose lives have touched ours. There is light at the end of this dark tunnel, and it’s the light of Jesus. He will see us through the unknown.