Be a Winnie the Pooh, not an Eeyore! 4 Impacts of a Positive Attitude

What kind of leader do you want to be? Much of the time, being an effective leader has more to do with attitude and actions than it does with title and position. A positive attitude can determine your level of contentment and impact how others interact with you. 

Your attitude drives your motivation.

Don’t wait for someone else to motivate you. Find your why and get motivated to create the momentum your team needs. Don’t be the one to complain and blame. Identify a solution and attack the problem. Choose to bring a positive solution to every situation. Effective leaders are optimistic and see opportunities in both the positive and negative. A setback is not a failure; it’s a learning experience.

Your attitude determines your actions.

Attitude is much more important than aptitude. It’s not always the smartest person who succeeds. A successful person is one who brings a positive outlook. Lead with optimism and vision, pointing your team toward a positive future. Everyone has off days, but don’t let that one tough day ruin your long-term actions. If you look at the glass as half full, your positive attitude will create positive actions.

Your attitude is reflected in your team’s attitude.

As a leader, it should be your goal to ensure your team always has a positive attitude. You are their encouragement, motivation, and goal setter. Make sure they see your positivity shining through, especially when things might not be promising. Maintaining this outlook in difficult situations encourages your team to keep working hard to achieve the goals you have set before them.

Your attitude is a choice.

Winnie the Pooh and The Hundred Acre Wood teach an important life lesson. Ever noticed how Pooh can turn any situation into a lesson on why we should have a positive attitude? He sees the good in every person and in every situation. Who would you be more apt to follow, Winnie the Pooh or Eeyore? You remember Eeyore, right? The most negative resident of The Hundred Acre Woods. We’ve all had days where being an Eeyore was the easiest choice. Choosing to be a positive leader, with an optimistic perspective, makes you a leader worth following.

Expecting your team to have a positive attitude? Make sure you lead with one. Positivity fuels the team to keep moving forward and do good work. Be focused on the vision, but not at the risk of creating a work environment that creates a team with a bad attitude. Make the choice daily to be a positive light.


Grateful. Blessed. And a Bit of a Mess.


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