Hiring Beth Moffatt Hiring Beth Moffatt

Which Is Better, W2 Employees or 1099 Contractors?

We often get this question from our clients. Should they bring their new team member on as a 1099 contractor or as a W2 employee? At times, the choice is easy as the laws are very clear as to which one it should be. If someone is actively involved in the day-to-day of running your business, there should be no question. They should be a W2 employee. Other times, if they are working on marketing and social media, working as an assistant taking care of various tasks both personal and business in nature, or working on a specific project, it’s not as easy to make the choice.

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Leadership Beth Moffatt Leadership Beth Moffatt

Taking a Closer Look at Business Trends for the Year 2022

Back to the office. Hybrid. 100% remote. The last two years have brought a great deal of turbulence and given steam to the remote working world. They have also added to mental health issues, stress especially around personal finances due to soaring inflation, and anxiety as a result of the state of the world. Trends do tend to come and go, but some stick around. Then a few become the new normal. So what’s going to be the new normal for 2022? We are not about to take a guess at that one. But we will offer some thoughts to ponder as we enter this new year.

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