Changing Lives and Organizations: A Client Success Story


At We Recruit Well, we like to empower people to become better leaders and teach people how to bring out the best in their employees. We’ve also posted discussions about how the hiring process works at We Recruit Well, but it’s high time that we share one of our many success stories to showcase how life-changing working with us and hiring an assistant can be. 

Introducing Ryan Lucia, a local Atlanta Businessman, and Tamara Tomko, Ryan’s right-hand woman - his Chief Operating Officer. 

Tamara didn’t start off as Ryan’s COO but as a virtual assistant working 10 hours a week. Ryan first came to us wanting a part-time assistant. He felt his focus was splintered and needed help with a few small tasks. When we talked to Ryan, we hit it off right away. He’s an enthusiastic and inspiring entrepreneur, and because of how our process works, the more we talked with him, the more we knew precisely what kind of assistant would best fit his needs. 

“I chose We Recruit Well because of my conversation with Beth. They were referred by someone I respect, and they didn't disappoint.” - Ryan Lucia

Ryan says that the most challenging part of the process was hiring only one of the three highly qualified candidates we narrowed down for him, which is our favorite kind of feedback to have. At the end of the day, Tamara was the perfect fit for his needs

When we work with clients, we stay in close contact to ensure that the client and the hire are settling in, and within those three months of onboarding Tamara, Ryan hired her to be his full-time virtual assistant. Ryan says, “Tamara came in at a critical point” and, “They say you can't get time back, but I did by getting an assistant.” 

Ryan and Tamara became an unstoppable team, and he promoted her to Chief Operating Officer for Garage Door U, one of his companies. Tamara now helps over 40 business owners learn how to manage their businesses and advises them on best practices. And Ryan recently returned to us to find a new assistant to take Tamara’s place.

Talking to Tamara about her experience working with Ryan is how we want all of our hires to feel, “The area in which I've changed the most is my self-confidence. When I came on board with Ryan, I wouldn't have ever thought I'd be where I am now… I've learned that I'm capable of much more than I thought.” 

To learn more about Ryan, you can read insightful and engaging business articles Ryan has written for Forbes

When we start the hiring process for your business, we want you to know how connected we are to who you are as a business and a person, and we want your hires to feel the same way. That’s why our process is so successful. Reach out to We Recruit Well if you’re struggling with your workload. We can help you find the right person to take that stress away.


A Guide to Best Hiring Practices and Strategies


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