Culture Beth Moffatt Culture Beth Moffatt

Breaking the Chains of Workplace Loneliness: A Playbook for Leaders and Teams

Loneliness has quietly infiltrated our workplaces in a world that seems more connected than ever. It's not just a personal woe; it's affecting our professional lives, too. In this blog, we'll look at workplace loneliness, including intriguing stats and insights. But fear not! We're not just here to shed light on the issue; we're on a mission to provide solutions. Ready to dive into the complex realm of workplace loneliness and discover ways to foster a more connected and vibrant work environment? Let's get started!

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Hiring Beth Moffatt Hiring Beth Moffatt

Changing Lives and Organizations: A Client Success Story

At We Recruit Well, we like to empower people to become better leaders and teach people how to bring out the best in their employees. We’ve also posted discussions about how the hiring process works at We Recruit Well, but it’s high time that we share one of our many success stories to showcase how life-changing working with us and hiring an assistant can be.

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Remote Work Beth Moffatt Remote Work Beth Moffatt

Great Virtual Assistants Have These 7 Qualities

Whatever you do, give it your very best. That’s tried and true advice, and we hear it from multiple sources. Parents, teachers, and coaches seemed to preach it often, and it’s even found in the Bible. So, if you want to be successful and continue to thrive, you should daily strive to work with enthusiasm. So, what are some of the ways you can do that? Here are some of the top skills and traits that the most successful Virtual Assistants possess.

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Communication, Culture Beth Moffatt Communication, Culture Beth Moffatt

Pants Not Required! Plus Other Virtual Meetings Tips

Well before COVID-19, we talked about the importance of virtual meetings and utilizing Zoom. After two years of working during a pandemic, many teams are experiencing Zoom fatigue. It’s essential to ensure that you aren’t having meetings just to have meetings. They still need to be effective and efficient, and if they are unnecessary - don’t have them.

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Hiring Beth Moffatt Hiring Beth Moffatt

Which Is Better, W2 Employees or 1099 Contractors?

We often get this question from our clients. Should they bring their new team member on as a 1099 contractor or as a W2 employee? At times, the choice is easy as the laws are very clear as to which one it should be. If someone is actively involved in the day-to-day of running your business, there should be no question. They should be a W2 employee. Other times, if they are working on marketing and social media, working as an assistant taking care of various tasks both personal and business in nature, or working on a specific project, it’s not as easy to make the choice.

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Time Management Beth Moffatt Time Management Beth Moffatt

How to Manage Your Calendar with Confidence

Calendar management can be scary. The best advice we can offer is to hire a virtual assistant to manage it for you. Let her be the master planner and keep you on track so you can focus on the bigger picture. If you aren’t ready to take the plunge with a virtual assistant, then read on for tips and tricks to help you manage your calendar.

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Remote Tools Beth Moffatt Remote Tools Beth Moffatt

Email Management: How to Remove the Stress

Managing email can overwhelm anyone, especially if you receive an excess of 100 emails daily. Often the thought of taking a day off and returning to a full inbox causes frustration and stress. Here are some suggestions for managing your email so frustration doesn’t set in and cause undue tension.

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Remote Tools Beth Moffatt Remote Tools Beth Moffatt

How to Use Anywhere Automation with Your Remote Team

There are many buzzwords out there today, particularly in regards to remote working. Here’s our favorite one because it’s all-encompassing - Anywhere Automation. Sounds pretty self-explanatory, doesn’t it? But is your team able to function anywhere they work remotely? Do the processes, systems, and applications you need to run your business allow your team to be efficient and effective?

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Hiring Beth Moffatt Hiring Beth Moffatt

Looking for Relief in Recruiting and Hiring? It’s Already Here

Are you still doing your own recruiting, even in the age of COVID and the remote work explosion? If you are not an expert in finding the right talent for your team in this remote work age, then you need to outsource it to someone who is. This not only frees you up to continue focusing on your business while your next team member is found, but allows the experts to find the perfect fit for your team.

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Hiring Beth Moffatt Hiring Beth Moffatt

You Might Need a VA if.....

Stop trying to do it all yourself. There is a better option and we can help you. The remote work industry is expected to continue to grow this year. Right now is the time to start the search for your next virtual team member.

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Leadership Beth Moffatt Leadership Beth Moffatt

A Fresh Start

Welcome to 2021. We are certain everyone is ready to put 2020 behind them. A fresh start is what we are given - every morning, every week, every month, and every year. So let’s seize the new beginning.

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Time Management Beth Moffatt Time Management Beth Moffatt

Give Yourself the Gift of Time

T I M E. It’s the one thing we all need more of but can never find. Or can you? Just imagine what you would do if you had an extra five hours each week! How about 10? Or even 20? We hear so much about work-life balance, maintaining a stress-free life, and self-care. Each of these is important for our own health and the relationships we have in our lives. How can you, as a busy entrepreneur and business owner, balance work and your personal life?

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Hiring Beth Moffatt Hiring Beth Moffatt

Grateful. Blessed. And a Bit of a Mess.

I don’t know about you but I’ve learned a lot this year about myself, my family, and the people around me. I’m beyond grateful to have the people I have in my life. I’m blessed to have a business that is thriving despite the mess of COVID-19. I’m even a bit of a mess because it seems this year has not only been full of a complete world gone crazy, but my own family’s life has also experienced some significant changes.

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Remote Work Beth Moffatt Remote Work Beth Moffatt

Navigating the New Normal

Ready, set, go! Ready or not, our country and small businesses need to get back to work. Before that can happen there is a lot to consider. We want to focus on a very small portion of the proposal affecting the workplace. Regardless of the size of your business, before owners bring their workforces back to the office there are a few things they will need to address.

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Hiring Beth Moffatt Hiring Beth Moffatt

Why We Recruit Well?

Well, an audacious answer would be, “Why not? Give us a shot!” The truth would be because we desire to set ourselves apart from the subscription-based virtual assistant marketplace. Through our experience, we have seen a need to offer something different.

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