Culture Beth Moffatt Culture Beth Moffatt

Creating a Thriving Workplace: The 10 Pillars of Company Culture

What really distinguishes the best companies? It’s all about their unbeatable company culture. A robust, positive culture draws top talent, boosts employee satisfaction, and drives business success. Prioritizing a vibrant culture fosters a harmonious work environment and deepens employee loyalty. This month, let’s explore the key characteristics of a standout company culture that every leader must cultivate to stay competitive and appeal to existing and potential team members.

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Culture Beth Moffatt Culture Beth Moffatt

Summer Splash: Bringing Relaxation and Joy to the Workplace

Hey there! As the summer sun works its magic, turning up the heat and stretching the days longer, what better time than now for leaders to dial up the chill factor at work? This season is our golden ticket to splash a bit of relaxation and joy into our daily grind, promising a wave of fresh energy and a breezy vibe to our teams. So, let’s dive into this month's adventure, packed with cool initiatives and classic hits designed to help our crew surf through summer fully charged and with smiles wide. Buckle up because we're about to suggest ways to make your workplace the coolest spot to beat the summer heat!

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Culture Beth Moffatt Culture Beth Moffatt

Breaking the Chains of Workplace Loneliness: A Playbook for Leaders and Teams

Loneliness has quietly infiltrated our workplaces in a world that seems more connected than ever. It's not just a personal woe; it's affecting our professional lives, too. In this blog, we'll look at workplace loneliness, including intriguing stats and insights. But fear not! We're not just here to shed light on the issue; we're on a mission to provide solutions. Ready to dive into the complex realm of workplace loneliness and discover ways to foster a more connected and vibrant work environment? Let's get started!

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Culture Beth Moffatt Culture Beth Moffatt

Reflecting on Your Attitude: Why Gratitude is Vital in the Workplace

As we approach the holiday season, it's easy for workplace stress to creep in. Tighter deadlines, rushed schedules, and the pressure to meet year-end goals can leave us feeling frazzled. But take a deep breath because here's the truth: Your attitude and how you handle these challenging moments have a ripple effect on everyone around you. This is why gratitude in the workplace is not just important; it's essential.

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Culture Beth Moffatt Culture Beth Moffatt

A Leader’s Guide to Resting, Relaxation, and Recharging

Leadership can be challenging and stressful, but it is essential to rest, relax and recharge to be effective. As a result, we occasionally must remind ourselves to slow down and focus on our well-being. The following are ten activities we enjoy that busy leaders can engage in to recharge. A few of them may work for you.

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Culture Beth Moffatt Culture Beth Moffatt

Company Culture in the Post-Pandemic Workplace

So why is company culture important? When you intentionally develop your company culture, you create a powerful tool for motivating your people. This “tool” can influence how your team feels about their work and the approach and actions they employ to help determine the direction of your company. While there are many traits a company should exhibit, four are essential to help your company stand out in the marketplace.

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Culture Beth Moffatt Culture Beth Moffatt

Summer Fun, Flexibility, & Fitness for Your Team

Summer is here, and it’s essential to keep your team focused on work, healthy both physically and mentally, and possibly offer some fun and flexibility. Sounds like a tall order, especially in the summer amidst vacations, kids out of school, and beautiful weather. But there are simple solutions that may even help improve your company culture as you celebrate your team this summer.

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Communication, Culture Beth Moffatt Communication, Culture Beth Moffatt

Pants Not Required! Plus Other Virtual Meetings Tips

Well before COVID-19, we talked about the importance of virtual meetings and utilizing Zoom. After two years of working during a pandemic, many teams are experiencing Zoom fatigue. It’s essential to ensure that you aren’t having meetings just to have meetings. They still need to be effective and efficient, and if they are unnecessary - don’t have them.

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Culture Beth Moffatt Culture Beth Moffatt

How Personality Assessments Can Benefit Hiring and Team Management

We set an important goal for the past year. We both wanted to complete a business course that would improve our abilities to advise and guide our clients. We are proud to announce that we are now DISC and Enneagram Coach Certified! We knew that in order to better help our clients and their teams we needed to continue to learn. Adding these certifications to our tool belts allows us to serve you in a new and improved way.

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Culture Beth Moffatt Culture Beth Moffatt

Holiday Gift Guide: Top Books for Your Team

Looking for a good gift for your team this holiday season? What better way to inspire and motivate than through books. Haven’t had time to dive into some of the releases from the past few years? Check out a few of our favorites we enjoy returning to time and time again. Each of them would make a great gift for your team - or maybe for yourself!

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Culture Beth Moffatt Culture Beth Moffatt

Roles to Consider when Taking your Team Remote

America is itching to get back to work and get the economy moving in the right direction. But let’s not move so quickly that we lose sight of what we’ve learned these past several weeks. All of us have spent a lot more time with our families, spouses, kids, pets, and at home. We stopped being busy and hopefully, we learned more about those we love the most.

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Culture Beth Moffatt Culture Beth Moffatt

7 Tips on Developing a Strong Remote Culture

When you work with a team face to face, day after day, culture tends to happen naturally, or so you are led to believe. If your team is 100% remote or incorporates remote workers, you will need to be even more intentional about developing your culture. Here are seven tips that will help you build your remote team culture.

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Culture Beth Moffatt Culture Beth Moffatt

4 Tips to Help Define Your Company Culture

Company culture begins with your company’s mission statement and includes your core values. The next and possibly the most important part of your company’s culture should describe how your company works and lives out its values.

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