Summer Fun, Flexibility, & Fitness for Your Team

Summer is here, and it’s essential to keep your team focused on work, healthy both physically and mentally, and possibly offer some fun and flexibility. Sounds like a tall order, especially in the summer amidst vacations, kids out of school, and beautiful weather. But there are simple solutions that may even help improve your company culture as you celebrate your team this summer.

Fun Team Outings

Plan a few outings for your team and include their families if you can. Head to a local baseball park for a game. Give Top Golf a try. Escape Rooms are also trendy and require team collaboration. You don’t have to plan something every week or even every month. Try once a season or twice a year. Your team will enjoy getting to know each other outside of the office.

Flexibility in the Office

Have you heard of summer Fridays? Many companies implement flexible scheduling and allow team members a free day or half-day on Friday. Permitting employees to work flexibly will enable them to work longer on some days and take off Friday or another day of the week. Some teams who offered a flexible schedule during the summer found it increased team morale and productivity so much that they kept it year-round. Not a bad idea!

Fitness for Everyone

Staying active and healthy both physically and mentally is vital to your team’s performance. Some great ideas to support your team members are offering a wellness program that incentivizes healthy habits. For example, you can consider providing a monthly, quarterly, or yearly stipend for gym memberships or purchasing home gym equipment. These can also be used to buy books that encourage job development, get a massage, manicure, or pedicure (yes, men can enjoy pedicures, too!). Any of the incentives mentioned above can dramatically improve mental and physical health. 

These are great ideas to celebrate your team this summer. However, you might find that they aren’t just for summer and decide to keep them year-round. Your team will thank you for investing in them. A bonus is that your company might make a “best places to work” list somewhere soon.

Looking for other company culture ideas? Check out our Free Resources page for more motivation.


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