How to Hire and Recruit the Right People for Your Bus(iness)

We’ve all heard the famous phrase, “Get the right people in the right seat on the bus,” and it’s true. However, your vision means nothing if the people on your bus are ego-focused, satisfied with the status quo, or lacking people skills. Instead, you want to make sure all of your team members are humble, hungry, and smart. So here are some tips to guide you as you fill your bus with quality people who will help you successfully reach your destination.

Where do I start?

You often read job descriptions listing a specific skill set as a requirement. Some job descriptions also list the qualities their ideal candidate should possess, but many companies focus more on the skill set rather than the qualities and attitudes of the candidate. We like what Peter Schutz says, “Hire character. Train skill.” In order to reach your company’s vision, it’s essential to have people on your team who are team-focused, strive for excellence, and have good people skills. You want your team to be “all in” when the bus driver changes directions. You can ensure this by hiring the right people and investing in them.

Hire character. Train skill.
— Peter Schutz

Patrick Lencioni, CEO of the Table Group and author of The Ideal Team Player, stresses the importance of hiring for attitude instead of skills. He suggests that you invite the candidate into your life to learn about their natural behavior in addition to a typical sit-down, behind-the-desk interview. Take them along for a ride as you pick your kids up from school or take them to practice. You’ll find out quickly who is easily irritated or willing to jump in and help, especially if your kids are not having the best day as they climb into the car.

Which are the right seats for my team members?

Your team might be complete, but are the right butts in the right seats? You don’t want to end up at an unintended destination, especially if that could have easily been prevented. There are many ways to discover your team members’ work style or their areas of expertise. Personality and work style assessments such as the DISC or the Enneagram are two we recommend utilizing. A great leader will invest in their team, so each team member effectively uses their natural gifts and works where they can shine.

Every team needs people who dream, speculate or wonder what if. Make sure you have team members who love developing new ideas and solving problems. Effective teams require people who have a good gut check and a strong sense of evaluating and assessing situations. Cheerleaders are also important. Yes, you want self-motivated people, but you will always need someone who sees the glass as full and can spread their positive attitude. Additionally, don’t forget the nice person or “tasker” who will do whatever you ask of them. These are the people who are always ready and willing to get things done, no matter what. Finally, it would be best to have a closer or a finisher. These people will not stop until the job is done and done right. 

Your team should come with all sorts of personalities and abilities. If you load your bus with those who are similar or just like you, you may not reach your destination. Remember, attitude is everything, skill is teachable, and variety is the spice of life.

Who needs to get off the bus?

You might find a few team members who begin to display a bad attitude. Do some need to get off at the next stop? These are the people to keep an eye on. Perhaps they are simply in the wrong seat. Spend some time finding out if they are better suited for another position. A great way to get started is to have your team read The Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni, an informative, easy-to-read book. Your people-smart team members will quickly identify with one of the five dysfunctions. Then, they should want to fix it and be a productive team member. The result will be someone excited to be part of keeping the bus on the road to your destination. If this is not the result you see, it’s probably best for your company and them to find another bus.

What happens next?

Now that the right people are in the right seats, your bus is ready to head toward its destination - your company vision. And with the ideal people in place, should your vision need to be tweaked or even completely changed, your team will be behind you all the way. The right people do not need constant motivation, approval, or micromanagement. Instead, they are self-motivated, team-focused, and people who strive for excellence. As a result, your vision becomes achievable with great people. 

As a visionary leader of your company, hiring can be intimidating and overwhelming, especially when you must make sure you have all the right people in the right seats. But, it doesn’t have to be. That’s our particular area of expertise. We make it a priority to learn about you, your team, your company culture and can help you discover who you need on your bus. We have the experience to guide you and find the best talent. Our skills are not limited to finding and hiring the best talent but also working with your team to discover their work and personality styles while helping to identify their areas of expertise. Reach out today, so your bus can stay on track.


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