Hiring Beth Moffatt Hiring Beth Moffatt

Attracting a Multi-Generational Workforce: Strategies for a Well-Rounded Team

In today’s diverse workplace, attracting a multi-generational workforce is crucial for fostering a dynamic and innovative environment. Understanding the unique characteristics and values of each generation—Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z—can empower leaders to create strategies that appeal to a wide range of age groups. Let’s delve into the essentials of hiring and retaining a well-rounded team by appreciating the differences and strengths each generation brings to the table.

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Hiring Beth Moffatt Hiring Beth Moffatt

Navigating Hiring Trends in 2024: What You Need to Know

As we enter a new year, one thing remains certain: the hiring landscape is ever-evolving. Being well-informed about the latest hiring trends is key to staying ahead of the game. At We Recruit Well, we're here to guide you through some of the anticipated trends for 2024, building upon the foundations established in the previous year. Let's take a closer look at the top hiring trends that may shape the recruitment landscape.

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Hiring Beth Moffatt Hiring Beth Moffatt

A Guide to Best Hiring Practices and Strategies

Recruiting the best candidates for a position is crucial for the success of any organization. Hiring the right person for the job can increase productivity, improve employee morale, and reduce turnover. On the other hand, hiring the wrong person can lead to significant problems, including decreased productivity, low morale, and the “dreaded” need to repeat the hiring process. By following some of our top hiring practices, you can ensure you are hiring the best candidates for your organization’s open roles.

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Leadership Beth Moffatt Leadership Beth Moffatt

Ten Lessons in Leadership

Attending EntreLeadership Summit this past June was an excellent experience and one we plan to repeat. Our takeaways were tremendous, so we wanted to highlight a few that might be helpful for you as well.

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Hiring Beth Moffatt Hiring Beth Moffatt

Hiring with We Recruit Well: An Immersive Customer Experience

It’s all about experiences. That’s why every Chick-fil-A you pass has cars wrapped around their building. Chick-fil-A has spent time and money diving into how to make their drive-thru top-notch so you become a repeat customer. Similarly, if you have a product or service, you’ve no doubt spent hours making it the best, so it will be worth your customers’ time and money. However, if their experience is not top-notch, they won’t come back. For this reason, we’ve spent hours fine-tuning our recruiting process. And this month, we dive into the We Recruit Well customer experience to explain why it’s head and shoulders above the rest.

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Remote Work Beth Moffatt Remote Work Beth Moffatt

Great Virtual Assistants Have These 7 Qualities

Whatever you do, give it your very best. That’s tried and true advice, and we hear it from multiple sources. Parents, teachers, and coaches seemed to preach it often, and it’s even found in the Bible. So, if you want to be successful and continue to thrive, you should daily strive to work with enthusiasm. So, what are some of the ways you can do that? Here are some of the top skills and traits that the most successful Virtual Assistants possess.

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Hiring, Leadership Beth Moffatt Hiring, Leadership Beth Moffatt

How to Hire and Recruit the Right People for Your Bus(iness)

We’ve all heard the famous phrase, “Get the right people in the right seat on the bus,” and it’s true. However, your vision means nothing if the people on your bus are ego-focused, satisfied with the status quo, or lacking people skills. Instead, you want to make sure all of your team members are humble, hungry, and smart. So here are some tips to guide you as you fill your bus with quality people who will help you successfully reach your destination.

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Culture Beth Moffatt Culture Beth Moffatt

How Personality Assessments Can Benefit Hiring and Team Management

We set an important goal for the past year. We both wanted to complete a business course that would improve our abilities to advise and guide our clients. We are proud to announce that we are now DISC and Enneagram Coach Certified! We knew that in order to better help our clients and their teams we needed to continue to learn. Adding these certifications to our tool belts allows us to serve you in a new and improved way.

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