How Personality Assessments Can Benefit Hiring and Team Management

Y’all, we did a thing!

We set an important goal for the past year. We both wanted to complete a business course that would improve our abilities to advise and guide our clients. We are proud to announce that we are now DISC and Enneagram Coach Certified! We knew that in order to better help our clients and their teams we needed to continue to learn. Adding these certifications to our tool belts allows us to serve you in a new and improved way.

Not sure what the DISC or Enneagram is? Want to know how personality profiles can help your team? Read on!


DISC stands for the personality styles: Dominant (D), Influencing (I), Steady (S), and Compliant (C). Your profile is a unique blend of these four basic traits. In the same way that new colors are created by mixing primary colors together, every person is their own distinctive blend of the “color palette of personality”. With the ability to recognize these four components of human behavior comes a better understanding of people at home or in the workplace. Once you gain insight into your own personality style, including its strengths and weaknesses, you can begin to communicate more effectively with other personality types. This results in improved conflict resolution, increased motivation, and enhanced relationships. 


The Enneagram is an in-depth personality assessment tool focusing on why a person does what they do. There are nine basic personality types, with each having a wing, a sub-type, and a tri-type. As you dive deeper into the Enneagram, you can learn more about your strengths and weaknesses as well as your team’s. Everyone grows, learns, and progresses through life. The Enneagram recognizes that times of stress and growth can have an impact on how people interact and work with others. It’s a great tool to help any team work well with one another through any life circumstances. Understanding the why behind a team member’s action helps you understand how to better communicate and interact with them on a daily basis. 

Here’s a list of a few ways the DISC and Enneagram can be utilized: 

Improved Conflict Resolution

When you know how to solve problems, that's great. But when you can solve problems in another person’s comfort zone, that’s amazing. Learning about your team’s work style and personality can help you have constructive conflict resolution rather than constant conflict. No one enjoys conflict. Instead, they want problems solved in a healthy method where growth can occur.

Enhanced Communication

Miscommunication is the root cause of most conflicts. It’s easy to misread an email or text, or perhaps not understand what someone is trying to communicate when speaking. When leaders invest in their teams, taking the time to allow themselves and their team to learn the nuances of other personalities, they become more aware of the best communication practices with their co-workers. Becoming more self-aware helps develop methods such as a pause before speaking or clicking send. Learning to use different words or approaches in communication helps a team work collaboratively and results in less conflict.

Increased Motivation

This is simple. When leaders and teams become more engaged through learning about each other, they improve their communication, and conflict resolution is not as uncomfortable. They have time to focus on a better process, a new creative endeavor, or the next big client.

Increased Productivity

Learning about team members and leaders, becoming more self-aware, and increasing emotional intelligence leads to better productivity. There is more time to get excellent work accomplished. Higher goals can be set, steeper mountains can be climbed, and company culture can be unmatched when team members are consciously aware of their own personalities and tendencies as well as those of their co-workers. Those who have been armed with the right tools can be the best version of themselves.

At We Recruit Well, we want to make sure our clients not only have the best talent but are armed with the tools they need to work effectively and successfully. 

If your team could benefit from more analysis, we’d love to chat about how we can help.


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