Communication Beth Moffatt Communication Beth Moffatt

Confronting Your Fears: Scary Conversations

Thoughts of October conjure up some of our worst fears. But the fear of facing scary conversations in the workplace can leave even the best of us trembling in our boots. Few people enjoy confronting others when faced with conflict, but we want to encourage you to face your fears head-on. Difficult conversations in the workplace are unavoidable, but they don't have to be uncomfortable or damaging. Having a tough conversation with a co-worker or team member can be an opportunity to resolve conflicts, improve your relationships, and increase productivity.

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Culture Beth Moffatt Culture Beth Moffatt

How Personality Assessments Can Benefit Hiring and Team Management

We set an important goal for the past year. We both wanted to complete a business course that would improve our abilities to advise and guide our clients. We are proud to announce that we are now DISC and Enneagram Coach Certified! We knew that in order to better help our clients and their teams we needed to continue to learn. Adding these certifications to our tool belts allows us to serve you in a new and improved way.

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Remote Tools Beth Moffatt Remote Tools Beth Moffatt

Virtual Meetings 101

Virtual meetings are the beginning of creating a cohesive and collaborative remote team. When your team is distributed over several time zones having regular meetings is vital to your culture.

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