Hiring with We Recruit Well: An Immersive Customer Experience

It’s all about experiences. That’s why every Chick-fil-A you pass has cars wrapped around their building. Chick-fil-A has spent time and money diving into how to make their drive-thru top-notch so you become a repeat customer. Similarly, if you have a product or service, you’ve no doubt spent hours making it the best, so it will be worth your customers’ time and money. However, if their experience is not top-notch, they won’t come back. For this reason, we’ve spent hours fine-tuning our recruiting process. And this month, we dive into the We Recruit Well customer experience to explain why it’s head and shoulders above the rest.

Exceptional Process

We’ve developed our process and made improvements over time. So you won’t catch us flying by the seat of our pants! We record our approach step by step and continually upgrade it. We guard against it becoming stagnant and stale because it could quickly become outdated as technology changes and our process does not.

Our clients come to us with a need. How and who we hire meets their need as we seek to solve their specific situation. Few people enjoy reviewing hundreds of resumes to weed through the clutter and narrow down to three or four excellent candidates. But those are precisely the things that light us up and ignite our passions. We do the work you don’t have time to do. Your area of expertise is your business. Our area of expertise is hiring for you. We are recruiting strategists and experts in our domain - just like you are an expert in yours. Don’t try to hire for yourself when you have a thousand other things you need to do. Leave that to We Recruit Well.

Human Touch - No Bots or AI

Technology can be great, including artificial intelligence or AI. However, hiring requires a human touch. Many large recruiting and staffing firms work with so many clients they can’t keep up with their applications. As a substitute for the personal touch, they utilize AI and bots to help weed out candidates that might not be great fits. This might save quite a bit of time, but we’ve found that bots can miss an ideal candidate or diamond in the rough because they thought their resume wasn’t good enough. 

Our team puts eyes on every applicant that fits your basic qualifications, even if your parameters are as simple as someone who lives in the US or a specific timezone. This is because we believe people, not AI, recognize that many applicants might have something such as gaps in their resumes. Perhaps they raised children, took time off to care for a family member, or needed to expand their skill set by returning to school. So we “read between the lines,” something a bot cannot be programmed to do.

Ability to Connect with Candidates

Interviews and connecting with candidates can be an exhausting but essential part of any hire. We are convinced building relationships with candidates begins in the hiring process. We desire to represent your company and culture genuinely. We learn about you as much as possible to start the relationship with the candidate on a positive note.

We build rapport with candidates by communicating quickly and often, being transparent and helpful, and coaching our clients to continue that relationship. Our ability to connect with candidates and begin that relationship sets our clients up to continue building a connection with the candidate. By the time our client has made a decision, extended an offer, and started their onboarding process, they are well on their way to a successful hire.

Direct Communication with Recruiter 

We communicate with our clients. By this, we mean that we talk with you often. Not only do we build relationships with the candidates, but we also build a relationship with our clients. We learn as much as possible about you, your business, your team, and your needs. Not simply so we can help you make the best hiring decisions, but so we can truly understand you and your business. 

When you have a question, you can reach out to us directly. We are invested in you and want to find a rockstar to fill the gap on your team. Open communication allows us to pivot when something needs to be changed quickly. For example, if we send you a candidate and they are missing an important skill, we update any postings and add interview questions about it to our process.

Over the years, we have learned much about the hiring process and how to develop relationships. We’ve honed our methods to help you uncover the right candidate for your team. We are passionate about making hiring through We Recruit Well a five-star experience, so every client is excited to share how We Recruit Well made a difference in their business. Give us a shot at your next hire. You’ll be glad you did.


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