Preparing for a New Hire

Too much on your plate? Overwhelmed? We Recruit Well can help! One of the first steps in hiring well is discovering the sequence of events to prepare your new team member successfully. This task can be intimidating, but it doesn't have to be. Here are three simple questions that will help you. By answering these questions, you will recognize what you should hand off to the new team member, determine if delegating these specific tasks to this person is best and finally, identify the best training techniques so they can flourish in their new role.

What are the tasks you enjoy the least?

A critical part of getting ready for a new hire is identifying what you need them to do. We recommend using our 3 Steps to a Clean Plate resource. First, list your daily, weekly, and monthly recurring tasks. Next, separate the tasks into low-value and high-value. Finally, create a list of tasks that need to be removed from your plate. The majority of these should be low-value tasks. Another thing to consider when making your list is what you enjoy doing versus what you do not enjoy. If a task does not bring you joy and someone else can complete it, delegate it.

Who can take on these responsibilities?

Discovering the right team member to delegate your newly created list of tasks can be intimidating. The good news is that We Recruit Well specializes in finding people with high potential. We are experienced recruiting specialists who can relieve you of that burden. Starting with a Discovery Call, we spend time with you discussing your list, making suggestions, and offering advice. Next, we help you decide what type of team member you need. Then we do the heavy lifting from there!

What are the most effective ways to train?

Begin by ensuring you have standard operating procedures (SOPs) in place. Don’t wait until after you’ve hired someone to start creating them. As you build your SOPs, you will find they help you create a clear and effective onboarding plan as well. We strongly recommend that you set aside quality time training your new hire. Be clear in your communication regarding training and feedback so they know what areas need improvement. Remember, you also need to be reasonable in your expectations. Everyone makes mistakes, and perfection shouldn’t be your goal. Another part of being an effective leader is consistently offering positive and constructive feedback. Extend grace when needed and have reasonable expectations of your team members.

You likely need help but don’t have the time or expertise to find the right team member. So spend your time focusing on getting ready for that person by doing what we’ve suggested here. Then, reach out to We Recruit Well and let us handle the rest. We’ll help you find the right new team member and offer suggestions for delegating responsibilities and training your new hire.


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