A Leader’s Guide to Resting, Relaxation, and Recharging


Leadership can be challenging and stressful, but it is essential to rest, relax and recharge to be effective. As a result, we occasionally must remind ourselves to slow down and focus on our well-being. The following are eight activities we enjoy that busy leaders can engage in to recharge. A few of them may work for you.

  1. Exercise - Physical activity can help reduce stress and improve mental health, making you feel more energized and ready to tackle your responsibilities. It will also improve your heart health, which is always good.

  2. Take breaks from technology - Constantly being connected to technology can be draining. Regular breaks can help you recharge and refocus. Create a non-screen zone or time in your life and stick to it.

  3. Engage in hobbies - Pursuing interests outside of work can provide a much-needed mental break and improve creativity and problem-solving skills. Pick up an old hobby or start a new one.

  4. Spend time outside - Being outdoors can help lower stress levels, improve mental clarity, and give you a sense of peace. So walk, run, or jump on a bike and breathe fresh air.

  5. Travel or a change of scenery - A shift in your environment can provide a refreshing perspective and allow you to disconnect and recharge. Maybe it’s a completely “unplugged from work” vacation or a working retreat. Whatever you choose, changing the scenery can be a game-changer and give you a much-needed mental break.

  6. Quality time with loved ones - Spending time with family and friends can help improve relationships and reduce stress. Pick a day of the week and start a game night. Focus on the people and be fully present.

  7. Read or learn something new - Learning new information or reading for leisure can stimulate the brain, improve cognitive function, and reduce stress levels. This doesn’t have to be related to work. Pick up a new fiction bestseller, or learn how to DIY to give your laundry room the makeover you’ve been putting off.

  8. Practice self-care and set boundaries - Self-care activities such as taking a relaxing bath, getting a massage, or simply taking a nap can improve overall well-being and reduce stress. Remember, you must care for yourself to be your best for those around you.

Ultimately, taking time to rest, relax and recharge can help leaders be more effective. It's essential to prioritize these activities, as they can improve mental and physical health, reduce stress levels, and provide a much-needed mental break. So, take time to recharge and be the best leader you can be.

Leaders like you have a lot on their plates. We Recruit Well specializes in finding the perfect top talent for your organization. So allow us to handle those details while you take advantage of these tips to be rested, relaxed, and recharged for your team. Reach out today to get started.


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