Using Automation to Create a Better Workplace

There is no doubt about it, automation will affect the future of the workplace. Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and automation have already helped to increase efficiency and productivity and allow remote workers to thrive and work smarter. But what is the human cost?

There is data that anticipates job loss due to automation will exceed job creation within the next 10 years. This means fewer people in the workforce and less human interaction for all of us. It’s going to happen. We have to be able to adapt, adjust, and make sure our teams stay engaged with each other.

How can we do this? 

Here are a few ideas to keep in mind.

Implement automation that frees your team to work on high-value tasks. 

This is the area where automation is amazing and can help your business run more smoothly. Once you have the small things automated, you and your team can work on high-value tasks that generate revenue. Don’t be fooled though. Automation is only as smart as its programmer, so make sure you have a team member able to stop and work on any processes and automation to keep things running smoothly.

Work as a team to collaborate and decide what needs to be automated.

Listen to your team to find out what they need automated and then allow them to help solve the problem. You’ve hired good people, so let them interact and use technology to work smarter. People need human interaction - even those introverts out there - so carve out time for team collaboration and check-ins. Make sure they are interacting and focusing on work collaboration as well as team-building and culture-building activities.

Allow for human creativity and innovation.

You don’t want your team to be so busy with the mundane that they don’t have time to collaborate, be creative, and solve problems. The human brain is capable of more than we know, and businesses need to use that power. If we can put men in space, develop a computer that can be held in the palm of your hand, and create an appliance that fries with air, then we can do just about anything. Give your team permission to be creative and innovate.

Don’t get left behind as automation pushes forward, but don’t get so automated that you lose connection with your team and your customers. Take a look at what masks have done to our society. They’ve made it easy to go out in public, avoid people, conversation, and eye contact. Don’t let automation create those same results within your team.

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