7 Attributes of Great Virtual Assistants

Whatever you do, do your best. That’s tried and true advice, and we’ve all heard it from multiple sources. It’s in the Bible, our parents told us all the time, and teachers and coaches seemed to preach it often! But it’s true. If you want to be successful and continue to thrive, you should daily strive to do your best. Here are some of the top skills and traits that the best Virtual Assistants possess.

  1. Reliability - Clients need to know you are there, you are working, and they can count on you. Start by checking in every morning via email, text, or Slack, whichever is the client’s preferred method of communication. Respond to any email sent to you within an hour, even if it’s just to let them know you received it and are working on it. Wrap up the week with a weekly follow-up email detailing how much time you spent and what you have accomplished, what you will focus on next week, and then ask for any information you need from them.

  2. Accuracy - Check for mistakes in everything you do, always. Mistakes happen, but strive to find them before your client does. When you miss one, own it. Fix the error and create a plan, so it doesn’t happen again. 

  3. Integrity - Having integrity means that you have soundness of moral character and are honest. To build strong and successful relationships with clients, you must be reliable and trustworthy. Often a Virtual Assistant, or any remote worker, is trusted with valuable company or client information. How you handle that trust is vital to your success as a remote worker.

  4. Interpersonal Skills - Developing relationships with clients is key to becoming a successful VA. It starts with being kind, friendly, and grateful. Stay positive and always have a smile. Even if you aren’t face-to-face on a video call, a smile brings joy to your voice!

  5. Resourcefulness - Having the ability to solve problems, figure things out, and find answers are some of the reasons your clients hired you. Learn how to use tech tools so that you are working efficiently, smartly, and intuitively.

  6. Bring Ideas to the Table - Be solutions-oriented and have creative ways to solve your clients' problems. Take into consideration the client’s business and suggest ways you know have worked in the past. Don’t be afraid to think outside of the box!

  7. Multi-tasking - In reality, the ability to multi-task does not really happen. You do need to be able to juggle many tasks and be able to keep it all straight. Develop a plan that works for you. For me, I need to knock the little things out and then focus on the big ones! That way, I’m entirely focused on what is in front of me.

We all want to be great at what we do. Being a great VA starts with your attitude. Choose to focus on the positive, always making sure that’s the side your clients see. Remember to be yourself, work hard, and get stuff done!


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