What is Emotional Intelligence?

Dictionary.com defines emotional intelligence as the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one's emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically. In a nutshell, being emotionally intelligent means you can recognize your feelings, the feelings of those around you, and be able to control how you respond.

Emotionally intelligent people have these common traits:

Self Awareness

Individuals with high EI recognize and understand their emotions. They do not let their feelings rule their responses to others. They know their strengths and weaknesses and work to overcome their weaknesses while making sure they utilize their strengths. Recognizing what emotions you are feeling causes you to address the issues surrounding those emotions and react appropriately. 

Self Regulation

The ability to control your emotions is self-regulation. These people do not make impulsive decisions; they think before they act. Pausing between a feeling and an action will always lead to a better choice. Individuals who are capable of self-regulation are thoughtful and reasonable and often make great leaders.


People with high EI are highly productive and capable of getting a vast amount of work accomplished. They love to be challenged and will work hard to reach goals and deadlines. “Daniel Goleman, who developed the concept of Emotional Intelligence in the mid-‘90s, identified four elements that make up motivation: our drive to improve and achieve, commitment to our goals, initiative, or readiness to act on opportunities, as well as optimism and resilience.” You can read more about Motivation: A Key Component of Emotional Intelligence HERE.


Empathy is understanding what people around you might need, want, or feel. Empathic people are tuned in to what, how, and why people feel and think the way they do. Being empathic does not mean you are too nice. It means you can see the situation from another perspective.

Social Skills

Individuals with high EI have well-developed social skills. They can see and navigate sticky situations with grace because they are strong communicators. You need to be able to actively listen to others and then communicate your feelings and emotions. 

Emotional Intelligence is a vital trait to look for when hiring your next remote worker. Taking the time it requires is difficult when you are busy running your business and dealing with life. At We Recruit Well, we are trained in spotting high EI in our candidates. Our unique process allows emotionally intelligent individuals to shine and showcase those traits. Reach out today if you want your next remote worker to be emotionally intelligent.

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