Give Yourself the Gift of Time

T I M E. It’s the one thing we all need more of but can never find. Or can you?

Just imagine what you would do if you had an extra five hours each week! How about 10? Or even 20? We hear so much about work-life balance, maintaining a stress-free life, and self-care. Each of these is important for our own health and the relationships we have in our lives. How can you, as a busy entrepreneur and business owner, balance work and your personal life? 

Here’s a quick list of 10 things you can do with the gift of time!

Picture this.

It’s June 2021, and you are still trying to figure out how you can wear all the hats in your business. Your business is on the verge of increasing sales, making more money, or growing beyond your wildest dreams. The only thing holding it back You can do ALL THE THINGS. Or can you? Or SHOULD you? You need an experienced virtual assistant!

Now, rewind back to December 2020. Everyone’s 2020 was derailed. Let’s not even look back on that mess! You scrolled past a post from a boutique recruiting firm offering help in hiring remote talent for small business owners. If only you’d pursued We Recruit Well and hired the experienced virtual assistant you desperately needed.

Now here’s an alternate picture. This is what your June 2021 could look like if you had reached out, hired the remote help you needed, and seized the gift of time. For the past six months, your new assistant has been checking and prioritizing your inbox and schedule each morning, so you’ve regularly gone for a run and accomplished your workout each week. You have delegated the task of keeping processes efficient and organized to your virtual assistant so you are able to schedule lunch with your friends and enjoy the time invested with them. Your family has noticed a huge change in the amount of time you are spending with them and were shocked when you left your computer at home over the spring break trip to the beach. You have put that extra ten hours each week to great use, and your business is flourishing more than ever.

Find a new you in the new year! Hire smart by reaching out to We Recruit Well to find the perfect remote team member for your specific needs. You won’t regret it!


A Fresh Start


Grateful. Blessed. And a Bit of a Mess.