Navigating the New Normal

Ready, set, go! Ready or not, our country and small businesses need to get back to work. Before that can happen there is a lot to consider. A bipartisan group has released the proposal for reopening the American economy. If you haven’t read it you can find it in its entirety here

We want to focus on a very small portion of the proposal affecting the workplace. Regardless of the size of your business, before owners bring their workforces back to the office there are a few things they will need to address.

First, if your team operates side by side or in close proximity cubicles, you are going to need to address the layout of your office space. That 6-foot social distancing rule is not going anywhere, anytime soon. You might need to set up a rotating work schedule allowing half of your team to work from home while the other half comes to the office.

Second, you also need to make sure all employees have the necessary PPE requirements, such as masks, available to them. Like it or not, face masks might become more common, and having a supply available for those who forget, lose, or break theirs will be vital.

Third, the cleaning procedures in regards to what products you use and how often will need to be revisited. Are you just cleaning? Now you must sanitize as well. There will be strict guidelines to be followed in order to allow your workforce to return to the office. 

However, there is still another alternative to consider. What did you and your team learn from this forced work from home opportunity? Sure you’ve had to make some concessions, but we bet you found out that your team was still very productive and possibly even more efficient. Maybe, you don’t have to “go back to normal”. 

If you are considering your options and need some help navigating the possibilities of creating a new remote work policy, We Recruit Well is here to offer solutions. We are offering a Remote Starter Package for just 10-15 hours a month that will set your team on the right path to creating a new normal, post-COVID-19!

Schedule some time to chat with us today!


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