Holiday Must-Reads for You and Your Team

Leadership requires us to be intentional about personal growth. There are many effective ways to grow personally and professionally, and one of our favorites is reading relevant books and other material. Once again, we’ve put together a list of four of our favorites for the holiday season.

The 6 Types of Working Genius by Patrick Lencioni

It has been said, “do something you love, and you will never work a day in your life.” However, often it’s challenging to figure out what you are not only good at but what drives you. In The 6 Types of Working Genius by Patrick Lencioni, he presents an easy and practical way to discover the type of work that will bring you joy. It’s also a valuable read for a team who wants to utilize everyone’s natural gifts or their zone of genius. Lencioni is masterful at presenting a story that draws you in and then solving the problems with practical and easy to implement solutions. Don’t miss this if you are looking for a relevant way to push your team to be their best.

More Than Your Number by Beth & Jeff McCord

If you love the Enneagram, this book is a must-read. More Than Your Number encourages you in true Beth and Jeff McCord fashion that you are a Beloved Child of God. You will be introduced to the Enneagram Internal Profile and the A.W.A.R.E. process as you learn more about your Wounded Child and your Beloved Child and how to keep your heart aligned with the gospel. As you learn more about the Enneagram Internal Profile, it becomes clear that you are More Than Your Number

You’re Not Listening by Kate Murphy

The subtitle of this book is What You’re Missing and Why It Matters - an excellent description of why you should take time to uncover how to listen to those around you. Although we are being bombarded today with more information than ever before, we have lost the ability to truly connect with others through the art of listening. If you want to learn how to communicate properly as a leader, friend, mentor, or spouse, this book is one you should add to your collection and start reading today.

The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer

In our “hurry up” society, Comer encourages us to slow down and savor the good things in life. He reminds us that we don’t need more things to make us happy. And simplifying our life can bring the satisfaction we’re craving. The truth is, The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry isn’t an easy thing to do, but it’s worth considering. After reading this book, you may change your mind about New Year's resolutions. So if you only have time for one deep dive during the holiday season, make it this one. 

If you are looking for your next book, any one of these is a great option. Or, if you are looking for a team development activity, reading a book together and discussing it can be a fantastic tool for your organization. Whether you need to hone in on communication skills, people skills, teamwork, or just slow down, you will find valuable nuggets in each one of these books. Grab one today!


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