The Art of Balancing Personal Priorities with a Growing Business

‘Tis the season to be busy in both life and work. But you don’t need to get overwhelmed. If you are like us, you’re setting goals and budgets for next year while trying to balance home and family so that you can enjoy the upcoming holiday season. These ten tips will help you juggle it all and remain stress-free.

Create a routine

Establish a routine and stick to it. We have daily, weekly, and monthly routines and stick to them. For example, what you do first thing in the morning should not be a decision; it should be automatic. Take some time to develop your morning and daily routine, then add it to your calendar. Do the same with your weekly and monthly habits. We even add house cleaning tasks to our monthly routine, so we never spend an entire day or week of spring cleaning!

Establish boundaries

Now that you’ve spent time and mental energy establishing a routine, it’s smooth sailing. That is until someone wants to meet with you outside the times you set aside for calls. Know your boundaries and stick to them. You’ve created them for a reason. Offer alternate times that work for you but realize they might have set similar limits. So, someone may have to compromise. If you need to pivot, don’t fret. Just go with it. 

Schedule meticulously

You added your routine to your calendar. Now add everything else there, too. Naturally, all meetings are on your calendar, but go ahead and block the time you plan on working on projects or other work-related things. Include hair appointments, doctor visits, kids’ school programs and sporting events. There are only 24 hours each day. Eight of them should be designated for rest, leaving you with 16 hours to schedule. 

Prioritize what’s important right now 

Guess what? You need to prioritize your priorities, too. First, make sure you know the most critical things on your list. Then, focus on the essential tasks and projects, delegate what you can, and move what doesn’t fit into next year.

Stop micromanaging

You’ve got a team behind you. You hired them, and you should trust them. Let them do their job. The time you spend micromanaging your team eats away at your time while adding more work to your plate. Learn to let it go, and trust your team.

Know when to ask for help

Overwhelmed? Don’t let it get the best of you. Ask for help at work and home. Hire someone to clean your house, use Instacart to order your groceries, and use your virtual assistant to handle the things you don’t like to do. Don’t have a virtual assistant? Well, get one ASAP! Reach out! We’d love to help you find the perfect one. 

Learn to say “No”

Did you know that “no” can be a complete sentence? Can’t fit something into your schedule? Just say no. Be honest and let people know you value them, but explain that your time is limited right now. Then offer some alternative options in the future when you know life and work won’t be so hectic.

Be present - put down the device

Family and friends value you and your time. So be present in every moment, and enjoy the people in your life. Put down the phone, tablet, or laptop. Instead, focus on human relationships, and give the gift of quality time to those around you.

Practice patience and know when to pivot

Be patient. Easier said than done. But if you practice patience, you will begin to see growth in other areas of your life. You won’t be as short-tempered at work or home. Patience also lets you recognize when to pivot because things aren’t working out as planned. The best plans can get off track, but practicing patience and knowing when to pivot help you stay focused and engaged.

Embrace flexible work options

If you have an option to work remotely from time to time, take advantage of it, and allow your team to do the same. Working remotely can save time and stress while eliminating the morning rush. In addition, it will enable you to be more flexible for your family during the busy holiday season and remain productive at work. 

Make this holiday season easier on yourself, your team, friends, and family by trying out a few of our suggestions. We hope they become habits that simplify your life. If you need help finding a new team member who can help you stay on top of everything, We Recruit Well can help! Reach out today!


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