Overcoming the Roadblocks of a Remote Team

Almost half of all employees say they work remotely at least twice every week. How often do you check email from your smartphone while at the ballpark, or while you are out to dinner? More and more frequently the ability to work from home or remotely is a factor when a candidate is deciding on which offer to accept. There are some industries where working remotely is just not possible, such as in nursing, police work, or other service-oriented careers. There are several careers where working remotely is becoming the norm. These include IT, sales, customer service, accounting, digital marketing and design, and administrative assistance. The one common factor in each of these is the availability of a reliable high-speed Internet connection.

Remote working positions can benefit the employee as much as it can the employer. For example, it might be challenging for a disabled employee to get to the office every day, but if they worked remotely, that obstacle is eliminated. Employees who are caring for seriously ill family members, aging parents, or young children, can maintain work-life balance when their employers offer remote working options. Nine to five might not be necessary for your business. If it is not, allowing your employees to fit work around their lives means you might be able to snag that bright talent for your team!

How do you know if your business is right for a remote working situation? Ask these questions:

  • Does the work need to be completed in a physical office?

  • Does the employee need to be present with the team to do their job?

  • Are online tools or apps available to utilize to stay connected and get the work accomplished?

  • Do timezones matter? Can I hire an employee on the West Coast if I'm on the East Coast?  Think of the relocation cost savings here!!

All this is great, but now you must be asking about how? In our next blog, we will discuss some of our favorite tools when it comes to working with remote teams!

If you already know you need to start the search for your next team member, you can reach out now for a consultation with We Recruit Well!


Remote Working Tools


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