Understanding the Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Job Performance

There is unquestionably a strong relationship between emotional intelligence and job performance. There are also certain qualities emotionally intelligent individuals demonstrate.

Emotional consistency

Being less reactive and displaying an ability to consider other viable options when problem-solving is an essential trait of high performing team members. Individuals who are emotionally consistent are the same person when the pressure is on or when everything is working like clockwork. They focus their energy on learning from mistakes instead of dwelling on them or being defined by them.

Meticulous and diligent

Individuals who are meticulous and diligent have goals, make plans, and produce excellent work. They consistently work hard, are self-motivated, and will push through obstacles. Diligence comes with practice and consistency. Being a self-driven independent worker is a rare trait in today’s workforce, but worth the effort it takes to find these individuals.

Extroverted characteristics

If you’re driven to accomplish a goal at work, if you’re optimistic and good at dealing with people, you’re probably going to achieve more on the job. These benefits appear to have an accumulative effect over the range of an individual’s career.

Professionally expressed emotions

Expressing emotional confidence isn’t only about sincerity, though that’s unquestionably part of it. Properly controlling emotions in the workplace is a skill high performing, emotionally intelligent individuals can master.

Mental aptitude

When hiring a new team member, you should hire for both attitude and skill. An individual must have the mental ability to do the job required and do it well if they are to be considered a top performer. 

Confidence in the ability to control motivation, behavior, and emotions

Emotionally intelligent individuals can successfully control their reactions and emotions to stressful circumstances as well as everyday events. Being able to remain even-keeled and calm in any situation creates top performers that you want on your team. 

 Accurate self-assessed job performance

Individuals who have a high level of emotional intelligence typically recognize their strengths and weaknesses. They are also able to work on developing their weaknesses and consistently use their strengths to improve job performance and continue to be high achievers.

Identifying these emotionally intelligent, high performers can be overwhelming in today’s tight job market. If you are looking to add a team member, then you need professional help We Recruit Well can provide. Schedule a time to chat with our recruiting specialists today.


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