You Need Top Performers. Here’s What to Look for When Hiring

Emotional Intelligence is a buzz word in today’s hiring marketplace. Why do you need to hire people who have high EI? Team members with high emotional intelligence work better with others, manage people and clients more dynamically, and help nurture a welcoming and compassionate company culture. Here are some other ways individuals with high EI contribute positively to your team.

Remain calm under pressure

This type of individual is able to control their emotions in order to express frustration, passion, and concern in a way that does not cause angst in others. Communication skills in a remote hire are vital. Highly emotionally intelligent individuals can read between the lines of written communication and respond with grace. They don’t jump to conclusions.

Utilize constructive criticism to become better

An emotionally intelligent team member will seek out feedback in order to grow. They are capable of taking negatively delivered constructive criticism and learn from it, become better, and not let the deliverance of that criticism affect how they interact with the team or leaders.

Willing to admit mistakes and take ownership

Admitting mistakes produces people who are authentic and vulnerable. No one is perfect. And we not only learn from our own mistakes but the mistakes of others. Taking ownership of mistakes proves that it is okay to occasionally miss the mark, especially when there is an opportunity for growth.

See things from another perspective

Empathy is defined as the ability to make others feel understood and cared about. Being able to connect with others through empathy is a skill emotionally intelligent individuals are able to use so that all team members feel valued and part of the team. It doesn’t mean you give in; it means you were able to communicate that you value the individual and their ideas.

Making sure you have top performers on your team is imperative. Here’s a free resource to get you started!

Finding emotionally intelligent, highly motivated, top performers might seem overwhelming. That’s why We Recruit Well is the answer. We take our time in understanding your needs, and then take our time getting to know the candidates we present to you - making sure they are not only impressive but will be the right emotionally intelligent top performer you are looking for.

If you are ready to get started with a new virtual team member, contact us today!


Understanding the Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Job Performance


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