Want More Happiness in Your Life? Here are a Few Places to Start

"Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness" is a well-known phrase from the United States Declaration of Independence, but what exactly does it take to make you happy? Pursuing happiness, and being happy are two completely different things. You can pursue happiness your entire life, and while you are searching for that happiness, you may miss it altogether. Here are some tips to make sure you don’t miss out!

Practice gratitude.

At We Recruit Well, we spend a lot of time talking about being grateful. Why? Because it helps us realize that there are already many reasons to be happy. Take time every day to reflect, journal, or acknowledge what’s already positive in your life, and be grateful for those things. Part of choosing to be happy means recognizing that you are already blessed. 

Spend time outdoors.

Fresh air can change anyone’s outlook. Go for a walk or a run. Get out in the sunshine and soak up some vitamin D. Staying cooped up inside can be depressing. Spending time every day outside in the fresh air and sunshine always lifts our spirits. Why do think most every kid in elementary school says recess is their favorite subject?

Make time for friends and family.

This COVID-19 season has made spending time with friends and family a little more challenging, but get creative! I know we are Zoomed out, but schedule a game night, a virtual dance party, or a virtual coffee date! We still need to interact with others, and often the ones who need it most are the last to reach out. Be the happiness in someone else’s day!

Don’t hold grudges.

Holding a grudge can eat at our soul and make us bitter and unhappy. People will always let us down because we are all imperfect humans. Forgiveness is not just for the sinner; it’s for those who have been hurt. Let it go, move on, and be happy. Don’t let someone else’s wrong steal your joy.

Set aside time for physical fitness.

Working out has been proven to release hormones that can literally make you happy. We don’t mean to go out and run a marathon or even a 5K, but make sure you are regularly spending time taking care of yourself and exercising. Personally, I’m a runner, and it’s hard to explain the feeling I get while running. Hard to believe, but it’s peaceful, calming, and reduces anxiety and stress. If you don’t like to run or walk, find something that gets your heart rate up and do that every day. Stay healthy so you can enjoy that happiness!

Life will always throw you curveballs. Remember to concentrate on the good that life throws at you. Focus on what is pleasant. Spread a little joy, treat others with kindness, and be happy where you are today. Remember, many home runs have been hit off a curveball.


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