Viewpoint Beth Moffatt Viewpoint Beth Moffatt

Want More Happiness in Your Life? Here are a Few Places to Start

"Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness" is a well-known phrase from the United States Declaration of Independence, but what exactly does it take to make you happy? Pursuing happiness, and being happy are two completely different things. You can pursue happiness your entire life, and while you are searching for that happiness, you may miss it altogether.

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Viewpoint Beth Moffatt Viewpoint Beth Moffatt

Smartphone Etiquette 101. Tried and True Tips for You.

Hopefully, our little rhyme caught your attention. We have all been guilty of allowing the latest iPhone or Android to become an addiction rather than a helpful addition to our lives. Our phones shouldn’t control us. Make sure you’re the one in charge. Here are five suggestions to help control the cravings:

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Viewpoint Beth Moffatt Viewpoint Beth Moffatt

Reflections on this Season of Life

March was quite the month, and April is proving to be even more alarming. Our world has been thrown into the unknown. Our lives and businesses have drastically changed. Most of us are navigating a new, hopefully temporary, normal; homeschooling kids, working from home, or even having to close a brick and mortar business.

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