Smartphone Etiquette 101. Tried and True Tips for You.

Hopefully, our little rhyme caught your attention. We have all been guilty of allowing the latest iPhone or Android to become an addiction rather than a helpful addition to our lives. Our phones shouldn’t control us. Make sure you’re the one in charge. Here are five suggestions to help control the cravings:

1. Start by asking, “why do I need to use my phone right now?”.

Think about if it's necessary to use your phone, or should you be present with the people around you? If we've learned anything during this COVID-19 pandemic, it's to slow down, appreciate the people and nature around you, and make the most of the moments. 

2. Turn off notifications.

Don't let your notifications distract or control you. If the red alert notification causes anxiety, disable it. Most often, our reason for wanting to have our smartphone close is not an emergency. Try not to let your phone drive your life; instead, spend some time outside getting fresh air and safely re-engaging with the people in your life.

3. If you can, schedule time to leave your phone behind.

Some jobs make it nearly impossible to escape from your smartphone. However, breaks are necessary throughout the days and weeks so you can stay focused and productive. If you are able, try to get away from your phone for an hour or two over a weekend, holiday, or vacation. The people in your life will appreciate it if you turn off the notifications and spend quality time with them.

4. Make the dinner table a phone-free zone. 

Enjoy a meal without the distraction of your phone. Engage in conversation with your family, friends, and co-workers. Lately, our grocery stores have been a little more empty, so clearly, we've all been cooking more at home. Don't stop this re-discovered tradition, and better yet, add the phone-free meal time zone to habit!

5. Use a "Do Not Disturb" setting.

Smartphones have come a long way! Most of us have this neat feature called Do Not Disturb, which allows you to turn off notifications except for a few emergency contacts. This is especially handy at night when we should be sleeping, but it can also be used anytime you do not want to be interrupted. Try setting it at mealtime. Slow down and enjoy your food and the company.

Try implementing these in the next week or two. Our bet? You’ll be glad you did!


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