Leadership Beth Moffatt Leadership Beth Moffatt

An In-Depth Look at Four 2023 Business Trends

This month we are focusing on four significant trends in business that are worth investigating. You may not feel the need to change your business model and processes, but we encourage you to examine areas that need tweaking. This month is an excellent time for reflection and improvement.

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Communication, Culture Beth Moffatt Communication, Culture Beth Moffatt

Pants Not Required! Plus Other Virtual Meetings Tips

Well before COVID-19, we talked about the importance of virtual meetings and utilizing Zoom. After two years of working during a pandemic, many teams are experiencing Zoom fatigue. It’s essential to ensure that you aren’t having meetings just to have meetings. They still need to be effective and efficient, and if they are unnecessary - don’t have them.

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Leadership Beth Moffatt Leadership Beth Moffatt

Taking a Closer Look at Business Trends for the Year 2022

Back to the office. Hybrid. 100% remote. The last two years have brought a great deal of turbulence and given steam to the remote working world. They have also added to mental health issues, stress especially around personal finances due to soaring inflation, and anxiety as a result of the state of the world. Trends do tend to come and go, but some stick around. Then a few become the new normal. So what’s going to be the new normal for 2022? We are not about to take a guess at that one. But we will offer some thoughts to ponder as we enter this new year.

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Remote Tools Beth Moffatt Remote Tools Beth Moffatt

Email Management: How to Remove the Stress

Managing email can overwhelm anyone, especially if you receive an excess of 100 emails daily. Often the thought of taking a day off and returning to a full inbox causes frustration and stress. Here are some suggestions for managing your email so frustration doesn’t set in and cause undue tension.

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Remote Tools Beth Moffatt Remote Tools Beth Moffatt

How to Use Anywhere Automation with Your Remote Team

There are many buzzwords out there today, particularly in regards to remote working. Here’s our favorite one because it’s all-encompassing - Anywhere Automation. Sounds pretty self-explanatory, doesn’t it? But is your team able to function anywhere they work remotely? Do the processes, systems, and applications you need to run your business allow your team to be efficient and effective?

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Viewpoint Beth Moffatt Viewpoint Beth Moffatt

Smartphone Etiquette 101. Tried and True Tips for You.

Hopefully, our little rhyme caught your attention. We have all been guilty of allowing the latest iPhone or Android to become an addiction rather than a helpful addition to our lives. Our phones shouldn’t control us. Make sure you’re the one in charge. Here are five suggestions to help control the cravings:

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Culture Beth Moffatt Culture Beth Moffatt

7 Tips on Developing a Strong Remote Culture

When you work with a team face to face, day after day, culture tends to happen naturally, or so you are led to believe. If your team is 100% remote or incorporates remote workers, you will need to be even more intentional about developing your culture. Here are seven tips that will help you build your remote team culture.

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Remote Tools Beth Moffatt Remote Tools Beth Moffatt

Remote Working Tools

Creating balance in our lives is a buzzword in today's hunt for the perfect remote position. We've put together a list of tools we can't live without in our remote professional lives and in our personal lives as well.

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