3 Ways a Remote Worker can be a Team-player

Owning a small business can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Remote work has been around for a while, and it’s here to stay. Your team might need someone to work for less than 10 hours a week or even a month, so you might think hiring someone is not an option. Consider a remote worker! We Recruit Well specializes in the remote work industry and have the resources to help you find the right fit. Read on to find out how a remote worker can be more than just a band-aid.

Focus on revenue-generating rather than administrative tasks

Low-value tasks can be handed over to remote team members so your time can be spent on revenue-generating items. There are many tasks that must be completed in order for business to get done. Think about what you do every day and separate them by daily, weekly, and monthly tasks. Then prioritize these by low and high-value tasks. The last step is to decide what can be delegated. This clears your plate so you can focus on more important revenue-generating tasks. Here’s a tool that can get you started.

More consistency compared to outsourcing tasks

Small businesses and entrepreneurs often outsource tasks to make the most of their time and resources. There are several large and reputable options for outsourcing these tasks, but often you will be working with different contractors and results will not be consistent. When you add a remote team member for tasks such as these you are building a relationship with the same individual, and your results will be of higher quality and more consistent. If you are ready to find the perfect fit for your team, We Recruit Well can help find you the right options.

Higher performance level

Employees who have jobs requiring problem-solving, creative endeavors or critical thinking need time and space to focus on their projects. Office settings are full of potential distractions that interrupt the process of employees who are fully engaged in their work. Team members in remote work options can work without the interruption of the normal distractions of an office setting. They often produce work of a higher quality and are able to accomplish their work more efficiently.

If you are looking to add a team member, then you need the professional help We Recruit Well can provide. Schedule a time to chat with our recruiting specialists today.


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